A member asked:

My feet feel hot at night in bed, i have to keep them outside the covers, what is the cause?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Normal: We loose heat through our extremities (hands, and feet) and our ears and nose. That is why in winter time you have to keep these parts more covered than the rest. So if you are not feeling any burning sensation in your feet and they just feel hot and by keeping them out you feel better, I do not believe there is anything wrong. However, go see a podiatrist or let your doctor know.

Answered 11/5/2017



Neuropathy: This can be caused by a few things examples of which could be a nerve compression in the back, a localized nerve compression at the level of the ankle, a side effect of a systemic disease like diabetes. I would visit a doctor who may opt to order emg, ncv. To help come to a more definitive answer.

Answered 5/1/2018



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