A member asked:

What are the effects of huffing and puffing when running?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Douglas Arenberg answered

Specializes in Pulmonary Critical Care

To allow you to run: When you run you burn calories, which require oxygen to burn, and produces co2 (lke the exhaust from a car). Your breathing in takes in oxygen and breathing out gets rid of co2. Your car, when it runs, breathes in oxygen through the air filter, and exhales co2 (along with other combustion products) though the tial pipe.

Answered 3/14/2016


Dr. Jeffrey Bassman answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Proper breathing: Proper breathing is important to running effectively. If running hard, developing a pattern of breathing in and out can help your exertion and results. Don't over breathe. Try and breathe naturally. You should go to some websites on running and read advice learn what works for you.

Answered 1/31/2014



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