What else : Has been done. A biomechanical exam sould be done. Orthotics often are helpful. Did you get a night splint? If you have morning pain i find them to work. It is possible there is something else wrong...You could have a plantar fasical tear, or stress fracture, an entrapped nerve. Usually, if 3 injections fail, the doc will re-evaluate you...Sometimes, people need surgery.
Answered 8/16/2013
Other treatments: Since biomechanic causes are often attributed to this condition, supportive strapping and orthotics should be considered. Physical therapy and stretching exercises also are helpful. In the most prolonged resistant cases, surgery can be performed. However, prior to surgery the diagnosis should be re-evaluated.
Answered 11/30/2014
Depends: There are many treatments for heel pain. Your doctor may choose physical therapy, night splint, surgery.
Answered 5/22/2013
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