A member asked:

What causes toes to lock?

9 doctors weighed in across 5 answers

Arthritis: Typically toes will lock due to arthritis or inflammation of the joints. Anti-inflammatories may be helpful such as advil, (ibuprofen) if not try ben gay or something similar to help with this condition. Make sure that your shoes are not to short.

Answered 10/29/2015



Locking toes?: If you are referring to toes that lock and curl, they are referred to as hammertoes or clawtoes. This is an abnormal compensation for pronation of the foot against the ground, which causes the toes to "grab" the ground. This is a progressive slow orthopedic problem that can cause callouses and ulcers to the top of the toes over time. Seek a local podiatrist for an x-ray evaluation.

Answered 1/10/2020



Cramps: I would suggest you discuss this with your family doctor.

Answered 5/20/2016


Dr. Ashley Vanderloop answered

Specializes in Podiatry

Locking: of toes is commonly from patients being dehydrated... if there is cramping associated the flexor/extensor tendons may be affected. Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily as well as maintain proper nutrition.

Answered 6/8/2018


Dr. Scott Keith answered

Specializes in Podiatry

Tenosynovitis: The ability of the toe to move through it's range of motion is ultimately guided by the muscle attachment to the toe via the tendon. The tendon, especially the flexor tendons, slide smoothly in a synovial sheath. When the sheath and/or tendon becomes inflamed, the smooth gliding is replaced by a jerky ratcheting. Eventually the tightness of the sheath locks the digit up so movement is difficult.

Answered 6/8/2018



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