A member asked:

How long does it take for the average broken foot to heal?

9 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Ellen Wenzel answered

Specializes in Podiatry

Broken foot: 4-6 weeks in general.

Answered 7/22/2012



It depends: It depends on which bone or bones are broken, how it is treated. Average would be 6-8 weeks.

Answered 2/26/2017


Dr. Payam Rafat answered

Specializes in Podiatry

Depends...: Factors that may speed your recovery include: immobilization, elevation, good nutrition, follow your physicians’ instructions and do not smoke. Bone healing usually takes 4-8 weeks depending on the type of fracture. Each person has a different healing potential depending on age and overall health.

Answered 9/28/2016



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