A member asked:

What can be done to prevent bed sores when taking care of a bedridden family member?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Positioning: To avoid bed sores, i would recommend getting a water bed or air flotation mattress. Vigilant repositioning in bed is the key. Turning your relative to different sides and if possible getting out bed would help. Padding of known pressure areas will also be beneficial. Again vigilance, vigilance vigilance is the key.

Answered 7/28/2013


Dr. Michael Miller answered

Specializes in Wound care

Exceptions: I am aware of three exceptions to the preventable rule. Patient noncompliance tissue failure - a complex term that basically means that the patient is dying and no matter what you do, they will have skin breakdown. Hemodynamic instability - patients in critical condition for whom turning or position changes cause significant problems with their hemodynamics. Otherwise, they should not occur.

Answered 9/29/2016



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