A member asked:

Does diverticulitis cause bleeding?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

No.: Diverticuli are small, typically pea-sized pockets that are very common in western societies, likely related to our high red meat, low fiber diets. The presence of these pockets is called diverticulosis and is very, very common, and may cause bleeding. Diverticulitis is inflammation of the colon brought about by rupture of one of these pockets; it generally does not cause bleeding.

Answered 5/18/2020


Dr. Allen Kamrava answered

Specializes in Colon and Rectal Surgery

Usually not: It can. However usually from diverticulae usually come from diverticulosis, which is when there isn't inflammation. In the setting of inflammation, the symptoms are different. Bleeding can happen, though not commonly.

Answered 12/18/2014



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