A member asked:

How can i address a very heavy period?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Many ways: 1st: evaluation- blood test for hormones, us for fibroids, hysteroscopy for polyps, endometrial biopsy for abnormal cells. 2nd: treatment- ocp if not smoker, progesterone, iud, remove fibroid or polyp if present, meds such as lysteda, endometrial ablation, uterine artery embolization and finally- hysterectomy.

Answered 9/9/2014


Dr. Scott Kramer answered

Specializes in Gynecology

You have options: Abnormal periods need evaluation; sonogram, lab tests. Non-surgical options include: birth control pills. Lysteda (non-hormonal rx taken during period), Mirena (levonorgestrel) iud. Minimally invasive options: endometrial ablation (in-office), hysteroscopy polyp removal or fibroid resection; and only if these treatments fail then consider hysterectomy - vaginal or laparoscopic if possible.

Answered 6/30/2014



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