A member asked:

Why is my ankle swelling all the way up the shin?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Several things: Some of the causes for leg swelling include congestive heart failure, malfunction of the valves in the veins deep in the legs, problems with lymph drainage from the legs and side effects of certain medication such as calcium channel blockers, Alpha blockers and lyrica (pregabalin). Please see your doctor for an evaluation.

Answered 6/24/2014



Good question: I don't think this is a typical symptom. Hence, i would go to a doctor for an exam. It is possible you have a stress fracture. If there is pin point pain along the leg this is a possibility. This could be seen on x-ray though MRI is more sensitive. If it turns out you do have your vitamin d levels checked. This is one of a list of possibilites.

Answered 10/27/2015



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