A member asked:

I have cervical lymph node, my platelet count is 330.00,lymphocytes is 39.00,low hct/pcv, mcv, mch,mchc,rdw &wbc 4.32, the lymph is not soft and large?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Work up anemia: Nothing else that you have told me has me worried in the least. You do need to find out why you are anemic (low hct/pcv). Unless it's obvious from diet and/or very heavy monthly loss, a serious investigation is in order.

Answered 12/20/2014


Dr. Milton Alvis, jr answered

Specializes in Preventive Medicine

Mixing up issues: Lymph nodes are filters, full of WBCs, within the lymphatic vessels returning extracellular water (water around cells which has not been picked back up from bulk capillary leakage of plasma, body wide) back into the blood stream. If specific WBCs in a node respond to something passing through, they multiply enlarging the node. This is healthy response to infection, toxins, (rarely cancer), etc.

Answered 12/20/2014



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