A member asked:

Sore throat for 7 weeks. mild. no cough. no trouble swallowing. no enlarged lymph nodes. had a head cold with sinus problem & took zpac that did not change sore throat. not a smoker. never a smoker. drink wine. age 57. better in the morning. took

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Linda Tao answered

Specializes in Cardiology

See ENT: if after all this time the sore throat has not resolved it would be prudent to see a ear nose and throat specialist. A common etiology of prolonged sore throat include gastroesophageal reflux disease. In the meantime, you might try sleeping with the head of youyour head of bed elevated. Also reducing intake of tomato-based products, citrus and spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol.

Answered 12/14/2014



Reflux?: You could be having acid reflux, an allergic reaction, post nasal drip from the sinus infection which may not have resolved, or other issues. You really need to see a doctor. Hope all is well.

Answered 11/27/2017



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