A member asked:

How common is a lichenoid lymphocytic infiltrate w/ tanglestacia in a skin biopsy? i was diagnosed mycosis fungoides last year, could this be new spot

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Mycosis fungoides: mycosis lesions has specific picture. the pathologist will be able to identify it . I recommend that you see hematologist

Answered 12/4/2014


Dr. Hernani Cualing answered

Specializes in Pathology

Nonspecific terms vs: The diagnosis of nycosis fungoides is based on a combination of 4 items: clinical, histological, immunotests, molecular. The histological picture mimics many forms and also includes lichenoid infiltrate, plus in a third, ,atypical abnormal cells form cerebriform Pautier's nests. To answer your question, your biopsy should have molecular clonality, expert pathology immunohistology review.

Answered 7/26/2015



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