A member asked:

My doc says i don't have enough ear wax in one of my ears. i find it itching a lot. what can i do to relieve the itching?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Richard Zimon answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Ask your doctor: for an ear drop medication called "Cortisporin" Drops. You may have a "dandruff -like" condition in your ear(s) Hope this helps! Dr Z

Answered 9/15/2017


Dr. John Munshower answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Ear wax?: Everyone produces differing amounts of ear wax, and the amount of wax often does NOT impact whether you itch or not. Itching of the ear canal is annoying because it is hard to get to and often tough to see exactly what is causing the itch because of the small area to visualize. After an exam, a common Rx with a steroid drop for the ear canal is often curative.

Answered 9/15/2017



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