A member asked:

I've partial mcl torn & acl bony avulsion - 15 days. dr said i don't need surgery. how long does it take to heal? knew swelling is still there badly

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Cynthia Archer answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

As a general rule: These types of injuries take a minimum of 8-12 weeks to heal. Why you aren't going to require surgery I'm not sure, the avulsion must not be complete, or the ACL would be detached if I understand your question correctly. If your ACL is detached, surgery is usually (if not always) necessary. To rehab your knee you will need physical therapy. Expect 6 months or longer to get back to 100%. Best 2you!

Answered 8/17/2019


Dr. Jeffrey Sider answered

Specializes in Sports Medicine

Probably can rehab: If your 62, I don't think you need to have an acl reconstruction. If you have a grade 1 or 2 mcl sprain, it should heal over 4-6 weeks. Regarding the ACL, you still will have 3 other ligaments in your knee in addition to other stabilizers Once the swelling has gone down, you can begin rehab to regain your motion and increase your quad and hamstring strength

Answered 8/17/2019



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