A member asked:

I just got new shoes to help my feet from hurting.my feet are flat and my shoes have good arch support now i have bruises where my "arches" are. why?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Flat Feet: your arches are not used to having support. There is pressure now on the arches that usually is not there. You would do better to slowly increase the time you wear these shoes, maybe starting with an hour and increasing by an hour every couple of days. Kind of like getting used to a new orthodontic device. A better choice would be to see a podiatrist and get custom arch supports.

Answered 9/17/2015


Dr. Scott Keith answered

Specializes in Podiatry

To arch or not arch.: Some types of flat feet will not tolerate arch supports of any type. To try and use them would create problems, much like you are having. There are other types of flat feet the are more flexible and can tolerate arch supports of varying heights with or without an adjustment period. With the advice of a specialist, or even a knowledgeable shoe person, your problem is easily solved.

Answered 9/17/2015



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