You should stop: I'm so glad you stopped smoking and begun your journey toward better health! Unforunately, we know far to little about vapes and thus people should not be using them. I would recommend ceasing use of your vape and continue on your path of staying off tobacco products completely. You should feel better while off them!
Answered 6/30/2016
Take Your Lumps Now: Well, what'd you expect-a new car and a hot date?No matter what physical ailment you have, smoking will not make it any better. So if you have a mild virus or a cold or cough-- you smoke,you suffer more.Three days of inhalational abstinence is not enough,especially if you were a heavy smoker.So for now, just try and not smoke and see how it goes. Later,try to cut down to at least 1/2 pack a day
Answered 4/12/2017
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