A member asked:

How common is to have spinal anesthesia for hysteroscopy d&c. i'm so scare of general anesthesia. female/54yrs?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Not but possible: It can be done.Request that from your anesthesiologist or ask your gyn to request it for you.Good luck

Answered 9/22/2014



Fairly common.: Hysteroscopy and D&C may be done under either general or spinal anesthesia or even sedation. Local cervical block along with injectable pain medication such as Toradol may also be done. Hysteroscopy is a common office procedure oftentimes done for sterilization procedure call Essure and is done injectible pain medication with ot without local cervical block. D&C is often done with local block.

Answered 8/6/2017



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