A member asked:

Can lupus cause a skin pigmentation disorder?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Karen Han answered

Sometimes...: We generally talk about lupus in 2 categories: systemic and cutaneous (localized in skin). A subtype of cutaneous lupus called discoid lupus can cause dyspigmentation and scars in the areas of involvement. Unfortunately, when chronic, the dyspigmentation becomes more or less permanent. Systemic lupus can be associated with other autoimmune disorders such as vitiligo (depigmentation disorder).

Answered 2/6/2019



Yes: There are several different kinds of lupus. Classic lupus often presents with a butterfly rash across the nose and cheeks. Cutaneous lupus may present with a number of different skin lesions. Alopecia (hair loss) may also occur with lupus.

Answered 2/10/2014



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