A member asked:

Entire neck hurts. head heavy. when i look up or to sides i get random sharp pains in back of head. hear a lot of cracking.going on for 3 days?

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Muscle spasm/strain: or cervical arthrits. I am suffering from the same issue. What is simple therapy would be GENTLE massage- I reccommnend BioFlex and also mild anti-inflammatory medication ( Advil/Aleve) if not allergic. Actually this could be related to poor pasture or prolonged "looking down" posture of your neck while on the computer. Passive range of motion exercise are available online.May need visit and xray

Answered 11/28/2017


Dr. Lynne Weixel answered

Specializes in Clinical Psychology

See a doctor: Sounds like time to see a doctor. Whatever it is, that will be the best way to get relief. From the symptoms described it might be an injury or an internal condition involving inflammation or swelling putting pressure on nerves. Why guess? Even if one hits on the name - that won't relieve the pain. Go, get it treated and get a good night's sleep. Best!

Answered 8/27/2014



Get checked: Severe neck pain without an injury should be assessed at an urgent care or emergency room. I would be careful and get checked out by your doctor to ensure nothing serious is happening.

Answered 9/29/2016



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