A member asked:

27 yr old girl, constipated for 4 days have taken 3 types of laxative and nothing, taking fibre tablets as well please help?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Howard Shapiro answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine - Nephrology & Dialysis

OTC solutions: If over the counter laxatives such as dulcolax or colace (docusate sodium) don't help, the next step is to obtain (also over the counter) glycerine suppositories, which are often effective. Make sure that your diet contains enough fiber (cereals, fruit and vegetables) to, hopefully, avoid a recurrence.

Answered 8/12/2014



Enema: You could try and enema. Without an examination is difficult to tell you, but if you are not having pain, distention or tenderness in the abdomen you can try an enema.

Answered 9/29/2016



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