A member asked:

Had a clear chest xray in december and that's all 2 different doctors would do, scared that i have lung cancer but no cough. is it likely?

7 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

No cancer: If your chest xray is read clear by 2 doctor then chance are very small you have cancer. If you want the docs at HealthTap to give a third opinion try a virtual consult~ upload your chest xray!

Answered 11/12/2014



Unlikely: If you have never smoked you have a very low risk for lung cancer. Are you having any symptoms that are alarming you? If so, it is important to tell your doctor so that he or she can adequately address your concerns. Good luck.

Answered 8/4/2014



Anxiety: You are a 32 y.o. man with no history of smoking and no pulmonary history whose only medical history is generalized anxiety disorder. Based on what you have told us, it is more likely this is part of your anxiety. Repeated ionizing radiation such as unnecessary chest x-rays is not without its own risk. hypochondria or Münchausen may be at play here. Discuss with your therapist.

Answered 8/4/2014



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