A member asked:

Symptoms of lung cancer include what things?

9 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Several things: Early symptoms of lung cancer include chronic coughing, chest pain, coughing up blood, and fatigue. When more advanced the problems worsen and the symptoms more widespread.

Answered 6/22/2013



Depcnds: Usually no symptoms in early stage. Late stage can have weight loss, chest wall pain, shortness of breath, coughing up blood, headaches, stroke-like symptoms, bone pains.

Answered 7/18/2013


Dr. Loki Skylizard answered

Specializes in Thoracic Surgery

Varies: Unfortunately, early lung cancer is often asymptomatic. I hope this link helps: http://www.Cancer.Net/cancer-types/lung-cancer/symptoms-and-signs.

Answered 2/10/2013



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