Many: Early on, no symptoms. Later, cough, weight loss, poor appetite, loss of energy, chest pain, coughing blood, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath ...Etc.
Answered 3/22/2020
Some or none: Symptoms can be absent in early lung cancers very commonly and are detected on x-rays & scans. Typical symptoms in advanced cases include cough, shortness of breath, blood in cough, chest pain, weakness, weight loss and low blood levels.
Answered 10/11/2018
Several: Some symptoms include persistent cough, wheezing, coughing up blood, unintentional weight loss, etc... However the majority of lung cancer is wihtout symptoms. Lung cancer screening with low dose chest cat scan has shown to be benificial in high risk patinets. For more info: http://bit.Ly/ygfoko.
Answered 10/5/2016
Often there are none: this is why lung cancer is found late in its course
Answered 1/10/2020
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