Fistula?: What you are describing sounds like a fistula or drainage track from an infected tooth. Your dentist can confirm this with an X-ray and a Gutta percha placed in the "gum pimple". It wouldn't hurt because the pressure is vented thru the pimple, but if an infection it is dangerous to your overall health. Have your dentist help you treat your problem.font wait for a crisis!
Answered 8/6/2016
Gum bump under tooth: Have your DDS/DMD check it out . They will probably take an image or two of the bone under the tooth. From there they can develop a diagnosis and treatment plan. My Best BD
Answered 9/24/2017
See dentist asap: It is probably a fistula (tract) from an infected or abscessed tooth for which you must see your dentist.
Answered 2/15/2016
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5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
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