A member asked:

Pediatric cancer? low rbc, low wbc, low platelets, low igm, high mcv, low neutrophils, low monocytes and low eosinophils, occasional myelocytes,

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Pancytopenia: Pancytopenia could be related to other issues that needs to be evaluated including pediatric connective tissue disease. Your physician will look at all of these issues

Answered 7/6/2014


Dr. Jeremy Porter answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Tough set of labs: Suppression of multiple cell lines certainly is a concerning finding on a CBC. Yes, there are pediatric cancers that may present with this type of blood test results. Talking to your heme/onc specialist as soon as possible would be advisable! But don't jump to conclusions because a specialist with the "whole picture" may give you a very surprising answer!

Answered 8/1/2014



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