A member asked:

Zoloft (sertraline) vs luvox which is better for ocd? zoloft (sertraline) worked for 7 years. switched because of depression. can i go back on zoloft (sertraline) or luvox?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Individual: Luvox (fluvoxamine) was evaluated for treating OCD, but any of the SSRI medications, as well as some tricyclic medications help with OCD. Best to combine medication with treatment to get best results. Some Mindfulness approaches have been helpful.See your physician for assistance.

Answered 11/9/2018



Medications and: therapy combined work better than either alone, including OCD; while determining a course of action regarding your medication, asking your provider for a referral to a therapist who is qualified to treat your illness, and to augment this strategy might be helpful. Regarding SSRI’s it can be quite individual as far as response. Using two treatments may serve as a preventative measure, also.

Answered 4/2/2018



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