A member asked:

I fractured my 2nd metatarsal and had cast off 3 days ago. my foot seems very swollen and i can feel a lump where the break was, should i worry? how long can it be like this, very painful when walking

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. James Rochester answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Fracture care: Lump and pain pretty normal. When do you start therapy? Keep you follow up appointments and call your provider if things worsen. Hope this helps. Good luck.

Answered 6/27/2014


Dr. Corinne Kauderer answered

Specializes in Wound care

Fractured bone: After wearing a cast for a fracture, there is a lump of bone called a bone callus that can sometimes be felt overlying the fracture. Your Orthopedist or Podiatrist should discuss with you post fracture Physiotherapy to help reduce the pain and swelling.

Answered 6/13/2014



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