A member asked:

Have occasional small red blood streaking outside stool.slight burning. have had 4 colonoscopy in last 10 years, all fine,last one 3 years ago.advice?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

See your doctor: The streaking you describe may be due to a bunch of different things. You may have a hemorrhoids, diverticulosis, an AVM, or maybe even cancer. I would speak to your doctor and get another rectal examination. In the absence of hemorrhoids, you doctor may advise that you get a repeat colonoscopy.

Answered 6/4/2016


Dr. Allen Kamrava answered

Specializes in Colon and Rectal Surgery

Should be fine: Without knowing anything other than that you have had colonoscopies that were fine, then more than likely this is a benign process of the anal area - fissure/hemorrhoid, which are not life threatening and can be treated very easily.

Answered 6/16/2014



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