A member asked:

Slight swelling of upper jaw under eye sinus infection and tooth abcess taking clindmaycin it's not very big been like that since last night?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Paul Grin answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Dental infection: Tooth abscess will not resolve on its own with home care. The most common type of dental abscess is a tooth, and the second most common is a gum or combination of both tooth-gum abscess. In order to get appropriate treatment it is important to know the underlying cause for this infection. Rec.: see your dentist for evaluation, x-rays and treatment. Predictable treatment and outcome.

Answered 5/21/2014



Antibiotics: Antibiotics don't cure dental infections. They limit spread of infection and/or reduce severity. To "cure" a dental infection the diseased tooth material must be eliminated (root canal or extraction). Call your Dentist.

Answered 3/13/2020



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