A member asked:

What is biofeedback?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Self-healing: Biofeedback is a safe, effective treatment approach that trains the patient to self-regulate abnormal biological activity toward normal functioning using positive feedback for progressive incremental changes. An appropriate biological measure (eg muscle emg, heart rate variability and even brain eeg) which best correlates with the underlying problem is monitored as the basis for training reward.

Answered 11/25/2016



Biofeedback is: Simply feedback of information to you about your own internal biological activity. You then use that information to learn self regulation. You can't learn any skill without feedback of your performance. Biofeedback gives you information of normally unconscious functions -- muscle activity, breathing, heart rate, sweating, skin temperature, brain waves, etc. -- allowing you to regulate them.

Answered 6/7/2016



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