So hard to say...: Are the teeth periodontally involved? Are the roots hooked? Are the teeth broken off and require a more invasive surgery to remove? Your question is best answered by the surgeon removing your teeth rather than a panel that cannot see or treat you. You are going to be a bit sore if you're having 15 teeth removed at once, regardless. Possible swelling.
Answered 3/25/2014
Hard to answer you: Your dentist can answer this better we can over the internet. I am assuming that you are loosing these teeth because they are loose and cannot be saved. You will have some pain for a few days.You will be loosing many teeth. Since everyone handles pain differently it is hard to say.
Answered 2/26/2017
2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
10 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
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