Possible : Hi, it's quite possible that this is related to anxiety. It's prudent though to rule out other possible causes of palpitations. Please consult your pcp to get a work up for heart rhythm irregularities (atrial flutter/fib etc) , endocrine( hyperthyroidism etc) or medication related side effects( though i don't see any obvious meds listed). Cut down on caffeine intake if possible. Hope this helps.
Answered 4/7/2014
May be or may be no: If in case you checked your pulse and it was fast, irregular or irregular it may be concerning. Anxiety sometime causes palpitations too. I would suggest you to get evaluated by a cardiologist.
Answered 5/22/2014
ANXIETY neurosis: It you have nerve problem, attacks of palpitations can occur any time you get anxious
Answered 5/22/2014
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