A member asked:

What can cause pressure in chest other than an heart attack? went to er chest x-ray & ekg was normal, has been going on for weeks off and on! no pain

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Atique Mirza answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine - Cardiology

Multiple reasons : Chest pain. The first thing you may think of is heart attack. Certainly chest pain is not something to ignore. But you should know that it has many possible causes. In fact, as much as a quarter of the U.S. Population experiences chest pain that is not related to the heart. Chest pain may also be caused by problems in your lungs, esophagus, muscles, ribs, or nerves, for example.

Answered 3/19/2014



Many: Could be muscular, skeletal, gerd, esophagitis, pulmonary, anxiety....

Answered 3/19/2014



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