A member asked:

How long do cortisone shots last and do they help a lot, had one on my knee today cause it makes it hard for me to walk long distances, will it help?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Knee injections: Cortisone injections into the knee can reduce pain and improve functioning. How long they might last is unpredictable, however. Many will get long term relief, for others it may be short-lived. It is reasonable to repeat the procedure once if relief was short. If the second injection also doesn't work well injection of an artificial joint fluid can be considered.

Answered 3/15/2014


Dr. Creighton Wright answered

Specializes in surgery

A week or so: May feel better, but needs rest and diagnosis and other treatment to prevent recurrence or worsening. If arthritis may need meds and pt.

Answered 3/15/2014



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