A member asked:

Trying to stop using the bottle to get my 6 month old to sleep. tips? thank you

8 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Baby bottle: By now baby should be having baby food along with milk. Introduce baby to sippy cups. May protests initially. Be patient w baby he or she eventually forget the bottle.

Answered 4/30/2016



Wake eating: Over the years I have found it much more realistic to feed babies as they awaken, getting the main task of their infancy out of the way early. Doing body maintenance & play until the kid is obviously tired is a great way to end the cycle, letting junior drift off to sleep. By not feeding as part of the sleep ritual you omit night feeds as babe gets older & capable of resettling in the night

Answered 4/10/2012


Dr. Deborah Ungerleider answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Try to take the: bottle away from him/her when he/she gets sleepy, but is not totally asleep. This will relax and soothe him/her and you'll know he/she is not hungry when going to sleep. Once he/she is able to do that, you can try to move the last feeding before bed to slightly earlier and put him/her to bed while tired, but awake. You may have to listen to some crying at first, but if you're patient, it will work

Answered 12/17/2014



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