A member asked:

I had surgical breast biopsy then atypical hyperplasia removal. was this necessary? what would have happened if i hadn't intervened?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Hard to know: You apparently had a breast mass or an imaging abnormality. It was not feasible to know the nature of the lesion without removing and examination by a pathologist. If is good that it was not cancer.

Answered 2/28/2014



Precancerous: Atypical breast hyperplasia is a pre-cancerous lesion. If a core biopsy (needle) shows ah, an excisional biopsy is usually performed, and in a small number of cases an early form of breast cancer can be discovered.I would certainly recommend vigilant screening with annual mammography and monthly self breast exams. Good luck.

Answered 2/17/2014



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