A member asked:

Stiffness in one side of jaw for a week now & slight pain when i yawn or open mouth wide, never happened before, cause for concern? what could it be?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

TMJ: Temporomandibular joint inflammation. No gum, chips, steaks, and no grinding teeth.

Answered 3/22/2016


Dr. Robert Grieco answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Tmj dysfunction: Your jaw joint is called "temporal mandibular joint" and it can have problems. That could cause the symptoms that you describe. When you stretch the joint the muscles hurt. You can also have an infection in the salivary gland that sits over this joint. It is called the parotid gland. Dental work, grinding at night, or malocclusion can increase risk.

Answered 4/30/2015



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