A member asked:

I have a severe pain on the right side of my jaw. its random & hurts when i yawn, open my mouth all the way, and move it around it started about a week and a half ago and i've never had the pain before in my life. its gotten progressively worse by the day

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Theodore Davantzis answered

Specializes in Dentistry

From : From you explanation, it sounds like you have the symptoms of TMJ pain. It may or may not have something to do with your teeth (the way they come together, the way you bite, etc) have yourself evaluated by your dentist or an oral surgeon. A bite guard may be in order.

Answered 10/3/2016


Dr. Paul Grin answered

Specializes in Pain Management

TMJ-TMD : TMJ disorder is the second most frequent cause of orofacial pain after dental pain. The common symptom are: headache, jaw pain, neck pain, eye pain, earache and toothache. Proper diagnosis is the key for the successful treatment. Rec.: orofacial pain specialist for evaluation and treatment. This disorder will not resolve on its own with home care.

Answered 12/20/2020



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