A member asked:

I've had nasal polyps removed 6 yrs. ago. they have since returned. are there any remedies or anything i can do besides surgery again? i

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Michael Zacharisen answered

Specializes in Allergy and Immunology

Nasal steroid spray: For small nasal polyps, treatment with daily topical nasal steroid sprays can shrink the size. If the polyps are too large, they will need to be surgically removed.

Answered 1/22/2014



Oral steroids: If you have had relief of your nasal symptoms for 6 years, that is a pretty good result. Oral and topical steroids are the medical treatments for nasal polyposis because it is an inflammatory disease. Only if these options fail after 2 or 3 attempts and you are very symptomatic, that is, can not breathe through your nose and can not smell, should another surgery be considered.

Answered 8/19/2014



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