A member asked:

Surgery: tomorrow i'm having nasal polyps removed, he's fixing my deviated septum, & having an extra sinus cavity removed. how long for recovery?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. John Chiu answered

Days to weeks.: This question is best posed to the surgeon since the recovery often depends on the complexity of the surgery. By the way, the sinus cavity is a vacant space which cannot be removed. Did you mean having the opening enlarged or the thickened mucous membrane in the sinus removed?

Answered 1/21/2016


Dr. Nick Debnath answered

Specializes in ENT and Head and Neck Surgery

1-2 weeks: I usually counsel my patients to take a week off from school or work and no exercise or strenuous activity for 2 weeks.

Answered 3/1/2016



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