A member asked:

What is histoplasmosis?does it affects lungs forming very small nodule, bcz of my lung nodule.can it be seen in ct, ?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Creighton Wright answered

Specializes in surgery

Fungus: Histo is a very common fungus. Histoplasmosis is the disease state, and includes in the lungs, liver, spleen with small and potential enlarging non cancerous nodules.These can be of a size to be seen on ct. Larger than 3 -5 mm. And are frequently multiple in an individual. Most are asymptomatic and found on x-rays and cts.

Answered 3/12/2020



Yes: Yes, it can show as nodules in imagines. Consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment should it become necessary.

Answered 9/12/2017



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