A member asked:

Is it normal to have mouth ulcer outbreak after a dental cleaning or cavity filling ?

13 doctors weighed in across 4 answers

No, NO: Sounds like your herpes simplex (get sex out of your mind) is rather easily treated. Are you real sensitive, emotional about dentists? Emotions can trigger outbreaks. Not only have your dentist know, but your physician can stop all your ''ulcers'' with a tad of acyclovir. And it is cheap. And floss after every meal and before sleep.

Answered 10/10/2017



Not normal but...: Most people don't develope mouth sores following a dental appt. But it is possible. The sore could be from the gloves rubbing against a spot in you mouth or if there were cotton rolls or gauze sponges place there while working in there. We all have the bacteria and viruses that can cause sores and sometimes just getting dental work awakens them or makes an "opening" for their entrance.

Answered 11/17/2019


Dr. John Thaler answered

Specializes in Prosthodontics

It Happens: Often the trauma of this treatment can set off a response causing mouth ulcers. I have some patients for whom this happens much of the time. Good luck healing

Answered 11/15/2017


Dr. Neil McLeod answered

Specializes in Prosthodontics

Normal - No!: No it is not normal for you to have an outbreak of ulcers following dental treatment, but for you is a common sequel. You are sensitive and have a stressed predisposition. It will occur in cycles, and it may be that simply changing your timing will help. Make sure you have plenty of sleep, and do not rush to the appointment or short change yourself on the appointment timing. That causes stress.

Answered 7/8/2017



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