A member asked:

I am cutting down on my klonopin from 2.5 mgs to 1.5 mgs i am on inderal (propranolol) and remeron to help on my own how slow should i go my doc said.25 2 weeks?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Follow Doctors Advic: You should follow your doctors advice as he/she knows your case well and wil be in a position to taper your meds.

Answered 1/3/2014



Medication should be managed by your Psychiatrist who knows your medical history. If you are not confident with your Psychiatrist please see another for a second opinion. It's a good idea to have a complete physical exam to know if you have a physical illness that is causing anxiety. Your anxiety could be helped by a Clinical Psychologist with expertise in multiple types of psychotherapy.

Answered 10/1/2022



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