A member asked:

Can i call fertility clinic to get more detailed family history on egg donor?

8 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Usually: Fertility clinics with their own egg donor program should have a detailed family history for each donor that is available to the recipients in an anonymous fashion. If one of the immediate family members has any unusual medical condition that has a strong genetic basis then the donor should be deemed unacceptable.

Answered 9/23/2016


Dr. Michael Opsahl answered

Specializes in Fertility Medicine

Usually: Egg donors come in different varieties. Most are anonymous and they provide less information than open donation where you can meet the donor. Nevertheless, we try to get involved family history on every egg donor, anonymous or open. You should be worried about the clinic or agency where you have very limited information. I hope this helps, best wishes.

Answered 12/30/2016



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