A member asked:

Sharp pain in my left shoulder blade. neck pain radiates behind my ear. shoulder pain and soreness. and little arm soreness as well. pinched nerve?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Timothy Silver answered

Specializes in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Discuss with MD: You have a lot going on for your age, please discuss this with your doctor, you may warrant some further testing. This is not a good forum for this question as we can not diagnose "pinched nerve" without examination and testing. Your doctor may order a nerve conduction test coupled with an emg, or an MRI if they have not done so already. Discuss with your doctor.

Answered 10/2/2018


Dr. Gary Wang answered

Possible: Possible c3-4 nerve pinged. An emg/ncs study is indicated.

Answered 9/23/2016



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