Waste of money: Despite claims of many highly profitable infomercials, there are no effective exercises to treat or prevent cellulite. Having said that, it is a great idea to perform a regular workout routine.
Answered 8/17/2013
There isn't one: Cellulite can not be treated by exercise. But exercise will tone the muscles, and make the area look better overall....But the cellulite will remain.
Answered 8/21/2013
None: Cellulite is an annoying problem to millions of women. It is caused by an uneven superficial fat layer as well as tiny ligaments that hold the skin down. The only effective treatment is called cellulaze by cynosure. It is a one time minimally invasive procedure that permanently removes cellulite. I have been by pleased with its results. To find a provider in your area go to www.Cynosure.Com.
Answered 12/21/2014
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