A member asked:

16 year old male i have a small brown ish or black spot on my skin where my balls sorry dont know what the skin is name are it is flat no pain is it something to worry about i dont want to talk to my dad or mom about it i dont know what to do?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

At 16 you don't reach the age threshold iornthis site. You require parental permission for treatment. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. That's whatnparents are for, to help guide you in the right direction. Ask them to make an appointment for you with your GP, or to taken you to Urgent Care. Most assumed problems are mostly normal variation.

Answered 1/9/2022



Watch it for a few weeks and if there is no change nothing needs to be done. But if it grows or you are worried about it have an MD take a look. Your Mom and Dad should not mind when it comes to concern about your health.

Answered 1/9/2022



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