A member asked:

Every time i have sex i lightly bleed then it stops i got tested everything came back negative is something wrong with me i once had mycoplasma genitalium could i still have it and thats whats causing it ? doctor didnt test for it last std screeni?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Bright red blood after any sexual activity implies tissue is torn/scraped and bleeding as a result. Many minor scrapes will self heal in a matter of days. Although genital infections can make bleeding more likely it is not the only reason for bleeding.

Answered 10/25/2021



"Bleeding after sex" is most likely a result of irritation of the inflammed cervix, which when inflamed will bleed easily even with relatively mild contact (penis, hands, fingers). This can be treated after an exam by your GYN by cryo therapy or electro-cautery. See your GYN physician for guidance.

Answered 10/25/2021



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