A member asked:

I had a hard stool this morning & i used my finger to help get it out. i defecated again in the evening and one of my stools had a bit of bloody bright red mucus on top of it. could it be cancer & do i need to go see a doctor? i'm so worried?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Bright red blood lining the outside of poop is fresh & originates from a scratch or tear in the outlet. These are common after hard, lumpy or rapid emptying triggers a break in the skin. They often self heal. Dark /purple blood mixed inside the poop would represent partially broken down blood originating from higher up & would suggest worrisome problem. Confirm with the doc if you wish.

Answered 8/15/2021



Agree with Dr. Ferguson about consulting your doctor. for constipation - You may take a fiber laxative like Metamucil and drink enough water daily so that your urine is colorless. For the long term you may try to increase your intake of fiber foods. Consult this site for fiber foods. http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/high-fiber-foods/art-20050948

Answered 8/14/2021



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