A member asked:

Had anal fissure for 5 mo. had fissurectomy plus botox injections 2.5 weeks ago. still significant pain for 4-5 hours after bm. pain is extreme if 2+ bms in 1 day. can't see surg for 1 wk. how do i have fewer bms so i can heal? is this recovery norm

A doctor has provided 1 answer

Anal discomfort: I would advise against inducing constipation in your situation as I think passing a hard stool would incur more rather than less anal or perianal pain. I would favor taking stool softeners and inserting glycerin rectal suppositories for the BM instead. I wish you could at least ask your proctologist or colorectal surgeon to discuss this matter on the phone if you can't be seen for a week.

Answered 7/18/2019



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